Saturday, November 1, 2008

Change you can make believe in....

McCain up 1 point today in Zogby poll. Maybe Obama peaked too early? Maybe the "spread the wealth" comment brought him back down to size? Who knows.

Speaking of who knows....

They found Obama's dear "Auntie Zeituni" living in Chicago that he spoke so highly of in his memoir. Yeah, she's living in the slums of Chicago. Illegally. And illegally gave $260 to the Obama campaign. Which they say they are going to return. And.... Obama didn't know she was living here illegally. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

If you believe that, you may possibly believe the following:

Obama sat in a pew for 20 years and never heard Jeremiah Wright say ANYTHING controversial. Riiiiiiiiight.

Obama and William Ayers aren't friends. They were just on a board together and lived in the same neighborhood. That's why Billy gave a name drop in one of his books. Not friends. Didn't hang out with one another. Didn't jump start his political career in his living room. Riiiiiiiiiiight.

Obama didn't attend a dinner party, with a second terrorist with first terrorist and his wife who was once on the FBI's top ten most wanted list, where controversial things were said. Riiiiiiiight.

The Obama campaign didn't have an agenda by turning the AVS off their credit card system, allowing a flood of illegal contributions to his campaign, and all those illegal funds will actually be returned. All of the contributions exceeding the legal limit of $2300 per CITIZEN, and of course, all the contributions from overseas. Every last cent. Riiiiiiiiiight.

And if you believe the aforementioned, you could possibly believe these:

He will not make Bush look like he was clipping coupons in his level of spending.

He won't raise taxes on those making less than $250,000 a year.

The government did such a great job with everything else they have ran thus far, including public schools, and of course butting into banks forcing them to make bad loans, thus causing a housing crisis, that we should give them EVEN more power, and let them control even more.

Capatalism is bad.

You are a victim, and Obama is going to take care of you. You won't have to worry about putting gas in your car or paying your mortgage anymore.

Spreading the wealth is good.

It's a good idea to let countries that hate us develop nuclear weapons, while we disarm ourselves against them.

Obama's having broken the biggest financial promise thus far, accepting public financing, is in no way a reflection of his character.

Neither is kicking the legit reporters from newspapers who endorse McCain off of his plane to make room for Jet Magazine.

Raising taxes on corporations is good. Tax 'em. Tax 'em hard. Make them pay my taxes, and give me some of their money. THAT will boost the economy and NOT cause inflation to skyrocket, leaving everyone no better off than before.

You have a good understand of economics.

You believe most economics professors and other such professionals, including corporations who work to keep prices low, will think Obama's plan is just and patriotic.

And as if this weren't all... he is also going to make me 2 inches taller.

By the way... I have this bridge for sell.....

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Please tell me you're kidding. Seriously. Liberal hypocrisy leaves me speechless

R.I.P. Journalism. I hardly knew ye.

Let me get this straight.

The New York Times makes it FRONT PAGE NEWS that the RNC spend $150,000 on Sarah Palin's wardrobe and sent not one reporter to cover the story, but TWO!!!!

Please tell me you're kidding.

How much did Obama's wardrobe cost? Or Michelle's? Hey, spend that stimulus check on some new earrings!!! How much does Biden spend on those suits, and McCain for that matter. I know they ALL wear expensive wardrobes. ALL of them. And this is front page news?

That's all you've got left-wing media? That's it. Why don't we rehash her buying a tanning bed?

I think if you haven't already figured out they spend tons of money on these things already, you're a friggin idiot. I wasn't surprised by the figure as much as I was this being front page news and getting so much media coverage.

It's no surprise that the NYT is now junk stock.

Yet, where is the media coverage of Obama's donor fraud? This is much more newsworthy!

How about how his campaign turned off their address verification system so anyone in this country, or another, which is ILLEGAL to accept, can donote way over the legal limit of $2,300.00 per person?

Why aren't they reporting that you can go to the Obama website and do this:

Name: John Galt
Address: 1957 Ayn Rand Lane
City: Galts Gulch
State: CO
Zip: 99999

"Your donation has been processed." So was Nodda Realperson's credit card. And Fake Name's.

Do this with ANY credit card. Even those from FOREIGN banks!!!!!! You can even list your address as another country, and your credit card will be processed!!!! So far you can donote from North Korea, Iran, Gaza, Venezuela and Kenya.

McCain's website will REJECT these cards!!!!!!!!

NO!!!! Let's talk about funding Sarah's wardrobe instead!!!!!!


I am pretty tired of Sarah Palin being called an idiot for her religious beliefs.

Heaven forbid she pray that we are following God's will!!! Let's burn her at the stake!!!!

And she has not backed down from her beliefs.

Remember Rev. Jeremiah Wright? Obama threw him under the bus pretty fast, didn't he?

Didn't he say that the U.S. government was responsible for infecting African Americans with the virus that causes AIDS? Among other things....... MANY other things......

Obama attended that church for 20 years.

And Sarah Palin is the idiot?

Please tell me you're kidding.


And don't even get me started on the experience issue. Just... don't.

Let's not start distorting patriotism now, shall we?

I have had a hard time swallowing remarks about how paying taxes is "patriotic."

No, paying taxes is a requirement. It is a necessary evil. There are repercussions for not paying taxes. I know because I have been late on them before. In 2006 I rushed to the post office in April to make sure my state taxes were mailed in time. I barely made it. I specialize in procrastination. I have paid late fees on property taxes just this year because I was one day late. My own fault for forgetting the date. I never felt the least bit patriotic for it. I understand the need in it, but patriotic it's not.

Patriotism is not a requirement. Patriotism is, in a sense, more of an offering, and it doesn't have to be monetary.

Patriotism is walking by an American flag and feeling moved.

It is being 11 years old during Operation Desert Storm and having my grandmother wake me up at 5:00 in the morning to put on my housecoat and shoes, and walk down the road in the freezing cold to salute and wave to the National Guard deploying from the Armory I grew up near.

It is my husband taking time on Veterans Day to deliver flags to friends and family that served in the military and personally thank each of them for their sacrifice.

It is supporting the troops in war, whether you agree with it or not.

It is standing for the National Anthem, and putting your hand over your heart during the Pledge of Allegiance.

It's joining the military and leaving your friends and family behind to defend their honor and freedoms we take for granted every single day.

It is understanding that being a citizen of the United States of America is a privilege that people from all corners of the world envy.
It's understanding that you don't have to agree with the leaders of this country, can openly say so, and no one will kick down your door with their army boots and kill you and your family. That's a right not everyone has.

The dictionary defines patriotism as devoted love, support, and defense of one's country.

In January 2003, during his address to the British Ambassadors in London, Tony Blair said, "I sometimes think it is a good rule of thumb to ask of a country: are people trying to get into it or out of it?" He was talking about America, and he wasn't the first to say it in some form or fashion.

Being patriotic is different to everyone, but it is never a requirement.

Maybe you feel patriotic when you vote or contact your congressman. Maybe you feel patriotic when you send a care package to soldiers overseas. Maybe you feel patriotic when you donate money to charities. Maybe you feel patriotic when you bow your head to pray for the safety of your family.
I have been thankful at times that no one has ever noticed me get teary eyed during the part of Zac Brown Band's song "Chicken Fried" that goes:
"I thank God for my life
For the stars and stripes
May freedom forever fly
Let it ring
Salute the ones who died
The ones who give their lives
So we don't have to sacrifice
All the things we love...
Like our chicken fried
And cold beer on a friday night
A pair of jeans that fit just right
And the radio on
Well, I can see the sun rise
See the love in my woman's eyes
Feel the touch of a precious child
And know a mother's love"

I will end this with the end of John McCain's republican nominee acceptance speech at the republican national convention.

"If you find faults with our country, make it a better one. If you're disappointed with the mistakes of government, join its ranks and work to correct them. Enlist in our Armed Forces. Become a teacher. Enter the ministry. Run for public office. Feed a hungry child. Teach an illiterate adult to read. Comfort the afflicted. Defend the rights of the oppressed. Our country will be the better, and you will be the happier. Because nothing brings greater happiness in life than to serve a cause greater than yourself.

I'm going to fight for my cause every day as your President. I'm going to fight to make sure every American has every reason to thank God, as I thank Him: that I'm an American, a proud citizen of the greatest country on earth, and with hard work, strong faith and a little courage, great things are always within our reach. Fight with me. Fight with me.

Fight for what's right for our country.

Fight for the ideals and character of a free people.

Fight for our children's future.

Fight for justice and opportunity for all.

Stand up to defend our country from its enemies.

Stand up for each other; for beautiful, blessed, bountiful America.

Stand up, stand up, stand up and fight. Nothing is inevitable here. We're Americans, and we never give up. We never quit. We never hide from history. We make history.

Thank you, and God Bless you."

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Let's do some math

The current population of the United States is 305,428,868, estimated.

Let's estimate that, and be generous, and say only 1/3 of that population is 18 and older, working and responsible for taxes.

This leaves us with 204,637,341.56 to pay taxes. (305,428,868 *.67)

Obama says 95% of the population with have a tax cut, and 5% will see a tax hike.

That means 10,231,867.05 will cover tax cuts on 194,405,474.51.

Not long ago Obama mentioned a $1,000.00 tax cut for middle class and lower-income families.

So... to cover the tax cuts, those 5% would have to pay $194,405,474,510

That averages out to $19,000 EACH would have to pay just to cover the tax cuts. This is just an average. Some pay more, some pay less. But if you make $250,000 a year, your taxes go up to cover this plan.

Keep in mind I am being VERY generous here.

Now let's get to Obama's spending plan. Let's say he spends that $293,000,000,000 a year that Tom McCardle says he proposes in spending EXTRA.

The top 5% are now paying $28,636.03 plus $ 19,000.00 totalling $47,636.03 a year, on top of their current taxes.

Now, let's see if Obama can attempt to tackle the deficit.

The current deficit for this year is, as I am typing this, $560,411,241,901.46.

This averages out to $54,711.16 for that top 5%. Add that to the previous $47, 636.03 a year, and we now have...

$102,347.10 on top of current taxes.

What happens if we all get stuck paying for the $700,000,000,000.00 bailout bill?

The rich will pay $68,413.71. Add it up. We are now at...

$170,760.81 average for each to pay annually ON TOP OF their current taxes.

And I am being generous. This is only federal taxes. They still have to pay state taxes.

I know this is not accurate to the penny, and I had to do some rounding, but I think a point here was made.

Jobs will be lost. The economy will continue to dive.

We're screwed '08.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Al Quada Number 2 In Command In Iraq Killed!!!

When you pray for our soldiers and their families before you go to bed tonight, let us not forget the 4,000 American Soldiers we have lost fighting in our wars. Nor let us forget the 500,000 innocent civilians killed by Osama Bin Laden before we went to war with them.


Since people do consider abortion an issue to vote on...

This is a picture of my son when he is 5 days old. He is just a little over 5 pounds in this picture. He was born 5 weeks early. I show this picture because there is an important point I have to make. You can see he is fully formed. He came out fully formed and breathing on his own, as did my daughter, who was also early, and weighed just over 3 pounds.

And it is legal for women to abort babies in the third trimester in some states, though I am having a hard time finding out just which ones. I will continue to research until I find out. If you don'tknow the details of a partial-birth abortion, let me break it down for you in laments terms. There are 2 types.

In one type of partial birth abortion, the doctor will let the cervix dilate and then deliver the baby feet first until only the head remains in the womb. The doctor then takes scissors to the base of the baby's head and inserts a suction tube into the baby's head, and sucks about the baby's brain, which in turn collapses the babies head, allowing for easier removal through the cervix.

Do know this is quite painful for the baby! But it doesn't end there. There is another way this can be done.

In the other type of partial birth abortion, the doctor will enter the cervix, and go into the womb with a clamp, blindly, and grasp whatever they can get ahold of, whether it be an arm or leg, and pull it off the body. Remaining body parts are then grasped and pulled out until the floating disembodied head is floating in the uterus. It is grasped, and then crushed for easy removal, and then, of course, removed. Any remains are then suctioned out.

The baby feels this also! As you can imagine, it is painful beyond what I can imagine.

Some argue that partial-birth abortions are very rare and account for less than 1% of abortion procedures. I say that if it happens once, twice, ten, or a hundred times, it was wrong every time if the mother's health was not in danger. And seeing as how the mother's health accounts for so few of abortion procedures, I feel free to assume this holds true for partial-birth abortion also.

Abortions are currently happening at a rate of 1.3 million a year. By the time most women become aware that they are pregnant, there is a heartbeat. By the time an abortion is scheduled, the baby looks much more formed than you would think. There are arms and legs, fingers and toes. There is a circulatory system. During both of my pregnancies I was aware that I was sharing my body. It wasn't just MY body anymore, but there were 2.

Abortion used as a method of birth control is wrong. It has been manipulated and twisted into something it's not. Oh, it's just tissue. It's my body and I should decide if I want to be pregnant or not.

The Pill.
The Mini-Pill.
Depo Shot.
The Ring.
The Patch.
Etc...much is available for free or cheap at health clinics.

Here's my opinion.

Excluding cases of rape, incest, and the mother's health.... NOONE IN THIS COUNTRY WANTS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS!!!!!! And I think that sums it all up pretty nicely.

P.S. My congressman, Rick Boucher, supports partial-birth abortion in all cases, not restricting them to concerns for the mother's health, but as a means of birth control.

Hey Obama, your inexperience is showing!

I don't know what is wrong with this country that so many people are taking Obama at face value, instead of breaking out their calculators and seeing that his economic plan won't work on SO many levels!

Have you seen the video of Plumber Joe confronting Obama on having his taxes raised? If you haven't caught it on the news, you can watch it on youtube. Joe is getting ready to buy a business that will make a little over $250,000 a year, and asked Obama if he would have his taxes raised. Obama told him that it wasn't that he wanted to punish his success, he just wants to make sure that everyone behind Joe has a chance at success too. Obama goes on that when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody. Right. Those people behind him are going to lose their jobs.

Obama also says he will offer tax cuts to small businesses that create jobs for 2 years. So... he is going to raise their taxes and cut them all at once.

Get out your calculators!

People love this idea because in their minds, the rich are being punished for their success. Joe told Obama he was killing the American dream. I agree. Thank you Joe, for bring to light what most people are too lazy to see.

Voters are really seeing Obama as Robin Hood. Now come on people. You can't redistribute wealth without killing the American dream. What incentive do people have to start a business to increase their income, provide jobs, and make a good living for themselves in a country where such an idea is not a far stretch for almost anyone with a drive to do so. No incentive.

Hey Joe, noone wants to see you succeed! They want to see you get taxed. It's not fair for you to make more money than other people! It's not fair that when you were starting out only making it paycheck to paycheck, but worked hard, found a way to save money and get ahead, and have our next president step in and tell him that his profits will go to other people who don't have the same drive, and are getting your profits anyways.

That is killing the American dream.

Obama has also attacked McCain on lowering taxes for corporations that send jobs overseas.

At first this seems like an outrage. And lazy Americans who won't take the time to look into why are upset.

Here Obama is, taxing the rich and giving to the poor, while McCain is letting the rich get richer and the poor stay poor.

No. Jobs go overseas because they pay less taxes and wages. What incentive is there to stay here and pay higher taxes? None. If tax breaks are offered, jobs stay here!!!!!!!!!!!

Obama wants to tax corporations so they can lay people off, not create jobs. And what happens after 2 years, when they aren't getting these tax cuts anymore?

There is also the problem that most large corporations don't actually pay taxes. Consumers do.

So let's say Obama raises taxes on Wal-Mart. When you shop at Wal-Mart, YOU pay those taxes for them. They still aren't losing money and being punished. Consumers are.

Obama also has a very very large budget. Let's face it. Obama thinks a checkbook is a toy. Someone is going to have cover his spending, and he is telling us that it won't be the middle-class and lower-class people. YES HE WILL. The rich cannot cover his costs. He will destroy jobs if he tries, and SINK the economy beyond any repair that he could fix during his presidency.

But Obama also knows that most people in this country with a minimum 3rd grade level education, ownership of a functioning brain, and $1 to buy a calculator at the dollar store, are too lazy to do the math. I guess they think he will be spending Monopoly money. Actually, they aren't thinking at all. Obviously.

If McCain addresses this problem at the debate tonight, he may actually pull ahead. It's such a long shot.

So to conclude, Obama is either:

a) a liar, selling his Robin Hood Nirvana theory to voters to increase numbers in the polls, and won't follow through with any of it when he gets into office, or

b)an idiot, because he can't do math and will absolutely drive this country into another depression, taxing people during a recession.

And then there's this:

You just can't win with Michelle Obama.

I find a lot of what comes out of her mouth quite offensive anyways, and here is a good example.

In a recent interview, she claims that "evil people" are out to stop her husband from becoming president. What "evil people" is she talking about? She is talking about "many conservative white people and even some African Americans were against her husband, but that this group of blacks were simply doing so because of envy."

Well, I am a conservative white woman and I can assure anyone that race has nothing with why I hope her husband doesn't win. I don't think Obama has a high moral standard and I don't like his absurd policies, or his voting record.

His voting record on gun ownership is ABSURD!
His policies on the economy are ABSURD!
His policies on the Iraq war are ABSURD!