R.I.P. Journalism. I hardly knew ye.
Let me get this straight.
The New York Times makes it FRONT PAGE NEWS that the RNC spend $150,000 on Sarah Palin's wardrobe and sent not one reporter to cover the story, but TWO!!!!
Please tell me you're kidding.
How much did Obama's wardrobe cost? Or Michelle's? Hey, spend that stimulus check on some new earrings!!! How much does Biden spend on those suits, and McCain for that matter. I know they ALL wear expensive wardrobes. ALL of them. And this is front page news?
That's all you've got left-wing media? That's it. Why don't we rehash her buying a tanning bed?
I think if you haven't already figured out they spend tons of money on these things already, you're a friggin idiot. I wasn't surprised by the figure as much as I was this being front page news and getting so much media coverage.
It's no surprise that the NYT is now junk stock.
Yet, where is the media coverage of Obama's donor fraud? This is much more newsworthy!
How about how his campaign turned off their address verification system so anyone in this country, or another, which is ILLEGAL to accept, can donote way over the legal limit of $2,300.00 per person?
Why aren't they reporting that you can go to the Obama website and do this:
Name: John Galt
Address: 1957 Ayn Rand Lane
City: Galts Gulch
State: CO
Zip: 99999
"Your donation has been processed." So was Nodda Realperson's credit card. And Fake Name's.
Do this with ANY credit card. Even those from FOREIGN banks!!!!!! You can even list your address as another country, and your credit card will be processed!!!! So far you can donote from North Korea, Iran, Gaza, Venezuela and Kenya.
McCain's website will REJECT these cards!!!!!!!!
NO!!!! Let's talk about funding Sarah's wardrobe instead!!!!!!
I am pretty tired of Sarah Palin being called an idiot for her religious beliefs.
Heaven forbid she pray that we are following God's will!!! Let's burn her at the stake!!!!
And she has not backed down from her beliefs.
Remember Rev. Jeremiah Wright? Obama threw him under the bus pretty fast, didn't he?
Didn't he say that the U.S. government was responsible for infecting African Americans with the virus that causes AIDS? Among other things....... MANY other things......
Obama attended that church for 20 years.
And Sarah Palin is the idiot?
Please tell me you're kidding.
And don't even get me started on the experience issue. Just... don't.