I don't know what is wrong with this country that so many people are taking Obama at face value, instead of breaking out their calculators and seeing that his economic plan won't work on SO many levels!
Have you seen the video of Plumber Joe confronting Obama on having his taxes raised? If you haven't caught it on the news, you can watch it on youtube. Joe is getting ready to buy a business that will make a little over $250,000 a year, and asked Obama if he would have his taxes raised. Obama told him that it wasn't that he wanted to punish his success, he just wants to make sure that everyone behind Joe has a chance at success too. Obama goes on that when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody. Right. Those people behind him are going to lose their jobs.
Obama also says he will offer tax cuts to small businesses that create jobs for 2 years. So... he is going to raise their taxes and cut them all at once.
Get out your calculators!
People love this idea because in their minds, the rich are being punished for their success. Joe told Obama he was killing the American dream. I agree. Thank you Joe, for bring to light what most people are too lazy to see.
Voters are really seeing Obama as Robin Hood. Now come on people. You can't redistribute wealth without killing the American dream. What incentive do people have to start a business to increase their income, provide jobs, and make a good living for themselves in a country where such an idea is not a far stretch for almost anyone with a drive to do so. No incentive.
Hey Joe, noone wants to see you succeed! They want to see you get taxed. It's not fair for you to make more money than other people! It's not fair that when you were starting out only making it paycheck to paycheck, but worked hard, found a way to save money and get ahead, and have our next president step in and tell him that his profits will go to other people who don't have the same drive, and are getting your profits anyways.
That is killing the American dream.
Obama has also attacked McCain on lowering taxes for corporations that send jobs overseas.
At first this seems like an outrage. And lazy Americans who won't take the time to look into why are upset.
Here Obama is, taxing the rich and giving to the poor, while McCain is letting the rich get richer and the poor stay poor.
No. Jobs go overseas because they pay less taxes and wages. What incentive is there to stay here and pay higher taxes? None. If tax breaks are offered, jobs stay here!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama wants to tax corporations so they can lay people off, not create jobs. And what happens after 2 years, when they aren't getting these tax cuts anymore?
There is also the problem that most large corporations don't actually pay taxes. Consumers do.
So let's say Obama raises taxes on Wal-Mart. When you shop at Wal-Mart, YOU pay those taxes for them. They still aren't losing money and being punished. Consumers are.
Obama also has a very very large budget. Let's face it. Obama thinks a checkbook is a toy. Someone is going to have cover his spending, and he is telling us that it won't be the middle-class and lower-class people. YES HE WILL. The rich cannot cover his costs. He will destroy jobs if he tries, and SINK the economy beyond any repair that he could fix during his presidency.
But Obama also knows that most people in this country with a minimum 3rd grade level education, ownership of a functioning brain, and $1 to buy a calculator at the dollar store, are too lazy to do the math. I guess they think he will be spending Monopoly money. Actually, they aren't thinking at all. Obviously.
If McCain addresses this problem at the debate tonight, he may actually pull ahead. It's such a long shot.
So to conclude, Obama is either:
a) a liar, selling his Robin Hood Nirvana theory to voters to increase numbers in the polls, and won't follow through with any of it when he gets into office, or
b)an idiot, because he can't do math and will absolutely drive this country into another depression, taxing people during a recession.
And then there's this:
You just can't win with Michelle Obama.
I find a lot of what comes out of her mouth quite offensive anyways, and here is a good example.
In a recent interview, she claims that "evil people" are out to stop her husband from becoming president. What "evil people" is she talking about? She is talking about "many conservative white people and even some African Americans were against her husband, but that this group of blacks were simply doing so because of envy."
Well, I am a conservative white woman and I can assure anyone that race has nothing with why I hope her husband doesn't win. I don't think Obama has a high moral standard and I don't like his absurd policies, or his voting record.
His voting record on gun ownership is ABSURD!
His policies on the economy are ABSURD!
His policies on the Iraq war are ABSURD!
Have you seen the video of Plumber Joe confronting Obama on having his taxes raised? If you haven't caught it on the news, you can watch it on youtube. Joe is getting ready to buy a business that will make a little over $250,000 a year, and asked Obama if he would have his taxes raised. Obama told him that it wasn't that he wanted to punish his success, he just wants to make sure that everyone behind Joe has a chance at success too. Obama goes on that when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody. Right. Those people behind him are going to lose their jobs.
Obama also says he will offer tax cuts to small businesses that create jobs for 2 years. So... he is going to raise their taxes and cut them all at once.
Get out your calculators!
People love this idea because in their minds, the rich are being punished for their success. Joe told Obama he was killing the American dream. I agree. Thank you Joe, for bring to light what most people are too lazy to see.
Voters are really seeing Obama as Robin Hood. Now come on people. You can't redistribute wealth without killing the American dream. What incentive do people have to start a business to increase their income, provide jobs, and make a good living for themselves in a country where such an idea is not a far stretch for almost anyone with a drive to do so. No incentive.
Hey Joe, noone wants to see you succeed! They want to see you get taxed. It's not fair for you to make more money than other people! It's not fair that when you were starting out only making it paycheck to paycheck, but worked hard, found a way to save money and get ahead, and have our next president step in and tell him that his profits will go to other people who don't have the same drive, and are getting your profits anyways.
That is killing the American dream.
Obama has also attacked McCain on lowering taxes for corporations that send jobs overseas.
At first this seems like an outrage. And lazy Americans who won't take the time to look into why are upset.
Here Obama is, taxing the rich and giving to the poor, while McCain is letting the rich get richer and the poor stay poor.
No. Jobs go overseas because they pay less taxes and wages. What incentive is there to stay here and pay higher taxes? None. If tax breaks are offered, jobs stay here!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama wants to tax corporations so they can lay people off, not create jobs. And what happens after 2 years, when they aren't getting these tax cuts anymore?
There is also the problem that most large corporations don't actually pay taxes. Consumers do.
So let's say Obama raises taxes on Wal-Mart. When you shop at Wal-Mart, YOU pay those taxes for them. They still aren't losing money and being punished. Consumers are.
Obama also has a very very large budget. Let's face it. Obama thinks a checkbook is a toy. Someone is going to have cover his spending, and he is telling us that it won't be the middle-class and lower-class people. YES HE WILL. The rich cannot cover his costs. He will destroy jobs if he tries, and SINK the economy beyond any repair that he could fix during his presidency.
But Obama also knows that most people in this country with a minimum 3rd grade level education, ownership of a functioning brain, and $1 to buy a calculator at the dollar store, are too lazy to do the math. I guess they think he will be spending Monopoly money. Actually, they aren't thinking at all. Obviously.
If McCain addresses this problem at the debate tonight, he may actually pull ahead. It's such a long shot.
So to conclude, Obama is either:
a) a liar, selling his Robin Hood Nirvana theory to voters to increase numbers in the polls, and won't follow through with any of it when he gets into office, or
b)an idiot, because he can't do math and will absolutely drive this country into another depression, taxing people during a recession.
And then there's this:
You just can't win with Michelle Obama.
I find a lot of what comes out of her mouth quite offensive anyways, and here is a good example.
In a recent interview, she claims that "evil people" are out to stop her husband from becoming president. What "evil people" is she talking about? She is talking about "many conservative white people and even some African Americans were against her husband, but that this group of blacks were simply doing so because of envy."
Well, I am a conservative white woman and I can assure anyone that race has nothing with why I hope her husband doesn't win. I don't think Obama has a high moral standard and I don't like his absurd policies, or his voting record.
His voting record on gun ownership is ABSURD!
His policies on the economy are ABSURD!
His policies on the Iraq war are ABSURD!