In case what I wrote yesterday wasn't enough, there's always more I would like to say. But before we get there, I would like to do something for you folks. The whole 3 people I assume are actually reading this blog of mine. Would you like to see where I get my information from? After all, I could be lying to you or blowing something way out of proportion, right?
Here you go. If you don't want to take what I say as fact, maybe this will help.
3. (This one is great. Go check out his voting record!!!! You should definetely devote 30 minutes or more to this site.)
7. (Don't look at the pictures on this site if you are soft-hearted or have a weak stomach. Just trust me on this.)
These are the sites where I got most of my information from yesterday's post.
Moving on.
My latest pet peeve is this. I am pretty tired of the Obama camp tiring out McCain saying the fundamentals of our economy are strong. The same man who put a hold on his campaign to make sure the bailout plan passed (even though it didn't, surprisingly), that republicans weren't left out of it, and of course to remove special interests such as ACORN receiving LARGE sums of money. The same McCain who 3 years ago tried to bring attention to the problems with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. All the while the democrats told him he was making a mountain of a mole hill, and there was no problem. Now of course the democrats would say that. Did you see how much money was being handed to them? Did you know Barack Obama was #3 on that payroll? Can we say hypocrite?
Did you hear about this? Voting in Ohio started a couple of days ago, but did you know that many many homeless people were being picked up and brought to the polls to vote. By whom, I want to know. Pay for a cab? No. If you needed a ride, someone would take you anywhere you wanted to go (not homeless), so long as you first went to register to vote. I am not so niave as to believe that these people were not having their votes swayed on the way. Do you know why? Because if I was driving, I would be swaying votes. I would tell them how awful I thought Obama was for this country, about his voting record, and I would even give them printouts of his record if they wanted a copy. I would describe to them exactly what partial-birth abortion entailed, and how supportive he is of it. And how he supports letting the ones who miraculously live, just lay and die. Don't get me wrong. I think every citizen in this country deserves the right to vote and it's a good way to get votes from people who would otherwise not do so, but I still have my reservations about how all this is playing out. No republican president has won an election without Ohio, so this is a pretty important state.
I have much to say, and not enough time to type it all in, but I would like leave you with two things. I promise you that I thoroughly research everything I write and I will make it clear where facts end and my opinions on matters step in. And I would like to leave you with a random fact before I go clinging to my religion and guns, as Obama would like to say. Actually I need to do dishes and laundry.
Random Fact: A lot is 2 words.
Good day.