McCain up 1 point today in Zogby poll. Maybe Obama peaked too early? Maybe the "spread the wealth" comment brought him back down to size? Who knows.
Speaking of who knows....
They found Obama's dear "Auntie Zeituni" living in Chicago that he spoke so highly of in his memoir. Yeah, she's living in the slums of Chicago. Illegally. And illegally gave $260 to the Obama campaign. Which they say they are going to return. And.... Obama didn't know she was living here illegally. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
If you believe that, you may possibly believe the following:
Obama sat in a pew for 20 years and never heard Jeremiah Wright say ANYTHING controversial. Riiiiiiiiight.
Obama and William Ayers aren't friends. They were just on a board together and lived in the same neighborhood. That's why Billy gave a name drop in one of his books. Not friends. Didn't hang out with one another. Didn't jump start his political career in his living room. Riiiiiiiiiiight.
Obama didn't attend a dinner party, with a second terrorist with first terrorist and his wife who was once on the FBI's top ten most wanted list, where controversial things were said. Riiiiiiiight.
The Obama campaign didn't have an agenda by turning the AVS off their credit card system, allowing a flood of illegal contributions to his campaign, and all those illegal funds will actually be returned. All of the contributions exceeding the legal limit of $2300 per CITIZEN, and of course, all the contributions from overseas. Every last cent. Riiiiiiiiiight.
And if you believe the aforementioned, you could possibly believe these:
He will not make Bush look like he was clipping coupons in his level of spending.
He won't raise taxes on those making less than $250,000 a year.
The government did such a great job with everything else they have ran thus far, including public schools, and of course butting into banks forcing them to make bad loans, thus causing a housing crisis, that we should give them EVEN more power, and let them control even more.
Capatalism is bad.
You are a victim, and Obama is going to take care of you. You won't have to worry about putting gas in your car or paying your mortgage anymore.
Spreading the wealth is good.
It's a good idea to let countries that hate us develop nuclear weapons, while we disarm ourselves against them.
Obama's having broken the biggest financial promise thus far, accepting public financing, is in no way a reflection of his character.
Neither is kicking the legit reporters from newspapers who endorse McCain off of his plane to make room for Jet Magazine.
Raising taxes on corporations is good. Tax 'em. Tax 'em hard. Make them pay my taxes, and give me some of their money. THAT will boost the economy and NOT cause inflation to skyrocket, leaving everyone no better off than before.
You have a good understand of economics.
You believe most economics professors and other such professionals, including corporations who work to keep prices low, will think Obama's plan is just and patriotic.
And as if this weren't all... he is also going to make me 2 inches taller.
By the way... I have this bridge for sell.....